Sunday, August 17, 2008

Amie & Michael Get Married

Amie & Michael chose a country setting for their luau style wedding. Laid back was about the only way to describe this wedding...from the shorts and Hawaiian shirt dress code to the Vodka luge. The party went on long after I left I'm sure, but this was nothing short of a fun wedding.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Membership Achieved

So this was kind of a big deal for me and my wedding photography business. I was accepted as a member of the Artistic Guild of Wedding Photojournalists Association. You must submit a portfolio of images and be accepted, instead of the usual, pay your money and get in kind of organization. This was my third try, so I was happy when I got the acceptance letter. As a photographer, when you look at the types of photographers that are members, I feel as I've made it to the next level.